
mNeonGreen mRNA (m1ψ substitution)

The mNeonGreen mRNA is a reporter gene used in molecular biology to study gene expression. It encodes a fluorescent protein that emits green light, allowing researchers to visually track and measure gene activity in cells. This makes mNeonGreen a valuable tool for monitoring cellular processes and understanding gene regulation.
Croyez’s mNeonGreen mRNA is produced through in vitro transcription, featuring a Cap1-modified 5' end, a poly(A) tail at the 3' end, and modified nucleotides to reduce immune response. These enhancements ensure stability and performance, allowing the mRNA to function like natural mature mRNAs in cells.
No. Size Price Qty Status
CR00007-100UG 100 ug $500.00 Inquiry
CR00007-1MG 1 mg $1,880.00 Inquiry
The price does not include shipping fee and tax. Order Request Quote
mRNA Length:
1321 nt

Base Composition:
N1-Me-pUTP (N1-mψ)

1.0 mg/ mL

Cap Modification:
Cap 1 structure

Poly A Tail:


1 mM sodium citrate buffer, pH 6.4.

Products can be stored at -80°C or below.
We recommend to aliquot the mRNA solution for a better storage. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.

The products are shipped on dry ice and should be avoided for freeze-thaw cycles.

Reporter Genes

Shipping Conditions:
Dry ice

Figure 1: 293T cells (0.4 × 10⁵ cells per well, 24-well plate) were transfected with 1 µg of mNeonGreen mRNA (m1 ψ substitution) using the EndoSafe mRNA Transfection Kit (C15053-K01).

Figure 2mNeonGreen mRNA (m1 ψ substitution) was analyzed on a 1% TAE agarose gel at 100 V for 30 minutes.
Marker: Croyez High Range RNA ladder (cat no: CR0005)

Figure 3:Capillary Electrophoresis
mNeonGreen (m1 ψ ) mRNA was analyzed by capillary electrophoresis.

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